Ofttimes, Mother would feel a call to hold tent meetings in neighboring states, and up in Canada also. She would take a number of ministers and workers with her to aid in the series of meetings held in various cities.

Special tent meetings were held in Vancouver, B. C., in 1910, and proved to be profitable to many. A minister, who was affiliated with a holiness church in the State of Washington, together with his wife and another minister's wife, attended the services. They had been seeking to find a people who preached all the doctrines of the Bible and who upheld the standard of Christianity as taught in God’s word.

After entering the tabernacle, the minister dropped on his knees by his chair to pray. He began to weep, then looked up at his wife and said, "God is in this place." The wife, a little more skeptical, wanted to wait before committing herself. They had become discouraged with some religious groups because of the fanaticism in the churches. After hearing the sermon and also the testimonies of those who had found among the Apostolic Faith what their soul hungered for, the minister and his wife knew they were among a people who were sound in doctrine.

This couple began to pray that if it was God’s will for them to come to Portland, the home in which they lived would be sold. Within a week it was sold, and the family moved to Portland. Later, they were sent to the Midwest where they labored in evangelistic work and established an Apostolic Faith branch church in Kansas City which they pastored for 12 years.

After returning to the West Coast, they continued together in Gospel work until the husband was taken Home, The wife, now past 80, is still helping in the ministry at the San Francisco church. Their son, who was only six months old when they came into the Apostolic Faith church, is now one of the ministers at the Portland headquarters; and in recent years he and his wife have done missionary work in the West Indies. Two other sons have been active in Christian work also through the years.

The minister, whose wife came with this family to the Vancouver, B. C., meetings, also found what his soul hungered for among the Apostolic Faith people. For many years, he has preached the Word faithfully; and his son also became a minister, and is pastor of one of our branch churches in southern Oregon.