"I was a wreck in my body," Mother said, "but I never once thought of the healing of my afflictions until after God baptized me with the Holy Ghost and fire.

"Early in life, I had been thrown from a horse and suffered a broken spine. Three attacks of spinal meningitis had left my head and eyes so affected that I could not leave off my glasses. I went to the mission one afternoon and had the ministry pray for me, and the healing power of the Son of God healed my eyes.

"I had lung trouble for years and had to live in tent houses in southern California for my health. God healed me of that disease likewise. I was thin, diseased, broken down in my body, but when I had fully made my consecrations, paid the price in full, and in simple, childlike faith prayed that I might get my health back so that I might be a witness for Christ, the healing streams began to flow. At night as I lay on my bed, I would open my soul to God and every avenue of my life to the heavenly healing streams that seemed to flow through every fiber of my being.

"When a young girl, I had been thrown from a carriage onto a jagged stump and lay at the point of death. Later in life I had to wear a surgical harness: a great metal plate across my abdomen, metal prongs in the back, and straps across my hips, shoulder and back. For weeks after the accident, my mother would bend over my bed, expecting me to pass away any time.

“After I received the fullness of the Gospel, God, one day, asked me to take the harness off my body. It had been my Constant companion and friend and I had not walked for 11 years without that brace. But I went to my room, took the contraption off and redressed. I had not been able to take two steps without it. If I would take a heavy step on my right foot it meant I would be in bed for at least two weeks, unable to get on my feet again, even with the harness on my body. I had heard that old harness jingle many a time at night when I would drop those heavy plates into the closet. But this time when I removed it there was a thanksgiving in my heart for I felt I was through with it forever. I knew God was going to heal me.

"I walked out into another room where the prayer of faith was prayed for me - and God instantly healed me. I praised the name of Jesus and walked without that brace for 23 blocks that very night. The healing of my body was complete. I also had an internal trouble the doctors had said could not be cured without an operation, but I was perfectly healed.

"Once diseased from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I now was sound and well through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God. How I worship Him for His great love to me!"

Mother placed great value on all that God had done for her; and from the day He empowered her to preach the Gospel she stood in defense of every word found in the Scriptures. I have always believed it was because of her uncompromising spirit that God chose her to be the founder and leader of this world-wide evangelistic work of the Apostolic Faith which is a monument to her fearless stand for the Bible in its entirety.