Sierra Leone is the combination of two French words: Sierra meaning Mountain and Leone meaning Lions. The first Portuguese explorers to the country at their arrival on the coast heard the roaring of lions on the mountains and immediately named the country after that experience.
Bro. Isaac Adigun, and his wife Sister Stella Adigun, arrived Lungi Airport in Freetown at 4.30pm on May 1 2024. The next day they took a four-hour drive to Bo, where the Apostolic Faith Church is located. Bro. Robert Simbo the Church Youth leader led the duo to the lodging centre, which God provided through Miss. Patience John, a friend of the Church.
This trip to Sierra Leone was the first of its kind, and was remarkable after 11 years of waiting for a visit from WECA Headquarters. Bro James, the Pastor of our work in Sierra Leone, was in tears that he could live to witness the visit. He said, “Our joy has no bounds, as this is the first visit of our Leader from WECA Headquarters to Sierra Leone congregation of the Apostolic Faith Church since 2013”.
The children welcomed the WECA team with songs, and the congregation sang a local song titled "Papa God thank You" followed by the presentation of a bouquet of flowers to the visiting bro. Isaac and his wife. Brethren from Liberia were around to support this small group in Sierra Leone with music and testimonies.
The response of bro. Isaac was very encouraging. He commended the soulful rendition of the songs by the children and inspired the congregation to await the marvels from God during the sessions.
The revival service for the day commenced immediately.
The Orchestral played "A new name in Glory" and some other choir songs. The special song titled, "I just feel like something good is about to happen" was rendered.
Bro, Isaac called the congregational songs including “Our hearts are full of joy today”, “Now thank we all our God". Bro. James Miller said the opening prayer.
Special song, "In the old time way" preceded the sermon.
Bro Isaac gave the word to the over 90 people present for the first day. Prayers went up to heaven as many cried out to God for salvation.
Day Two of the Revival
The second day of the revival was blessed with over 80 people in attendance. The choir opened with Flute duet. The third prelude was very touching "Do you know," a duet rendered by Sisters Sarah and Haman (Sierra Leonean and Liberian). The special song, "Something good is going to happen to you" by Sister Cecelia Ayodele
Bro. James Miller, the leader of our work in Liberia preached; many sought God for various blessing. God blessed wonderfully.
Day Three of the Revival
The third day was another night of blessing. Over 100 people attended the revival service, excluding neighbours who listened from afar, since it was open-air service.
Members came to church on bikes - their means of transport with their children. The Church service was in the open- air because they believe God to build their auditorium for worship. The advantage of the open-air service was that neighbours stood in their houses to listen while service was on. We believe God was ministering to them as they heard the songs, testimonies and the messages.
The choir started with Violin duet, “Heaven came down”, “He is My Everything” and ended with “Why Not You?”
The sermon centered on "I will do Marvels" (The Theme of the Revival). Marvels of parting Seas into two happened many times in the Old Testament time and Marvels of breaking Prisons bars for the disciples happened many times in the New Testament time. The marvels that set Paul and Silas free brought salvation to the household of the jailer. Prayers went up to heaven as many cried out to God to be saved.
Day 4 of the Revival (Sunday)
Day Four started with Sunday school lesson titled “Warnings” taken by Sister Adigun in the local Pidgin English, followed by devotional service.
During the Devotional service, Brass ensemble opened the service brightly followed by other songs and congregation songs conducted by the bro. Isaac
Bro. Miller led the prayer of thanksgiving by thanking God for all He has done for us.
The special song - He Will Do It Again, Bro. Kan read from Exodus 15:1-6.
The second Special song, a solo” Sweet Holy Spirit” was rendered by Bro MacDonald a Librarian/Nigerian. It was wonderfully delivered as listeners literarily felt the movement of the Holy Spirit.
Bro. Isaac took his text from Exodus 15:10. He requested it to be read in Krio language. That formed a statement that must not be forgotten even if you cannot remember other things said in the sermon; "PATAPATA"(All or Everything). That formed the title of the sermon “God of Patapata”. The congregants were assured that God is able, and will take care of all their challenges. A wonderful altar service followed.
The evening was blessed with trilling songs from a mini concert featuring choristers from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. The pieces, consisted of both Instrumentation and Songs. The last item "Tel am Tenki" Choir/Brass and Flute was the climax of the Concert.
Bro Isaac gave a brief word of exhortation after the concert and many souls prayed to victory including a woman visitor. There was a large crowd of people in the open-air service. They all felt the movement of the spirit. Many backsliders came to service expressing “No other place like the old time Gospel”.
Testimonies of victory over sin, God’s healing power and protection given during the revival services brought hope and blessings to the lives of many.
On Monday the Adiguns left for Freetown to catch Ferry crossing to Airport side at 2.00pm. Before then, he held a meeting with the core members of the Apostolic Faith Church in Bo. (5 locals and the 2 missioners), during which he encouraged them to unite and be focused. The meeting closed with a short prayer and they left immediately for Freetown.
Some other notable things that happened.
1. A life Radio broadcast/interview for one-hour by the DS, Bro. Isaac Adigun and Bro. James Ayodele.
2. A joint meeting with Liberia and Sierra Leone workers with the DS on Saturday 4th May 2024.
After the opening prayer, the bro. Isaac spoke on some issues:
- Sunday school Teachers: He explained the duties of Sunday school teachers with reference to the Sunday school Teacher’s manual.
- Workers: He explained the duties of workers with reference to the workers manual.
- He talked on the importance of adhering to Church policies.
- He encouraged everyone to go in line with the manuals to maintain the standard and doctrine of the Apostolic Faith Church.
- Question session was open but no one asked a question. There was a closing prayer and the meeting ended.
3. Another meeting was held with core Management Team on Monday, May 6, 2024. Formal introduction of the Members and their offices was made. The following attended the meeting; Bro. Isaac Adigun, Sis. Stella Adigun, Samuel Mbogba, Catherine Mbogba (sick) Robert Simbo, Mary Mbawah, Sarah Mbawah, Cecilia Ayodele and James Ayodele.
Bro. Isaac encouraged them to be focused. He advised them to work together. The Pastor should carry all members along. The members should be free to offer suggestions. No position seeking but to be regular in all meetings.
Bro. Isaac informed them that one of them would soon take over the pastoral position of the Church, as the Missionaries from Nigeria will be withdrawn as God leads. They were told that there is no money for the completion of the Church building project for now. He suggested that an extension of Iron poles with roof be made in front of the building to accommodate more people. He thanked them for the prayers prayed for his wife during her accident. Then the closing prayer.
4. They had a sweet fellowship as they dined together on the table.
5. 16 delegates came from Liberia including three Board members.
Record of blessings:
While we believe that God visited the meetings in special ways and blessed abundantly, the following was a record of those who came forward to record their blessings.
Salvation 3, Sanctification 1, Baptism of Holy Spirit 2, Re-Anointing 5, Healing 7, Other blessings 5.
Total recorded blessings 23.
Bro. Isaac and Stella are now back home in Nigeria.
Thank you for praying for their trip and for the success of the Revival in Sierra Leone.
God bless you.