(Djeffa, PK14, Route de Porto-Novo)
FROM JULY 21 TO JULY 28, 2024
After five years, members of the Church, who came from all Zones of Republic of Benin and several countries such as Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Togo, Niger, Mali and Gabon, gathered in Djeffa, PK14, route de Porto-Novo, to hold the campmeeting convention which took place from July 21 to 28, 2024. In fact, because of the global pandemic of Corona Virus, and the prohibition of mass gatherings, the 2020 and 2021 campmeeting conventions did not take place; those of 2022 and 2023 were organized in Jericho, a place that is not conducive to such activities.
As a prelude, the Ministers and Workers Conference took place on Friday July 19 and the Sunday School Teachers Conference on Saturday July 20.
- Ministers and Workers Conference
On Friday, July 19, 2024, hundreds of workers gathered at the Campground to take part in the Ministers and Workers Conference. After the prelude from the choir and the orchestra, the congregational songs, followed by opening prayer; the Country Overseer Rev. Marcellin Kploka delivered his welcome address and introduced the different delegates. He then gave the floor to the representative of the WECA District Superintendent, Rev. Johnson Okpo to convey the message of the DS.
This was followed by the teaching of the conference lesson titled “PURE RELIGION”, by Rev. Johnson Okpo (Head of the Missions Department at WCA Headquarters). The study document was a Bible Teaching from the 1970 Campmeeting in Portland, Oregon, by Rev. Loyce Carver, General Overseer of the Apostolic Faith Church from 1965-1993. The sub-themes covered were: Living epistles; Standing Together; Submissive and Humble; Steadfast in the Faith; Love One Another; God’s Order for Us; Applying the Truth; Concerning Women’s Hair; Rules for Both Men and Women; From One Generation to Another; The Consequences of Rebellion; Holy Within and Without and Gospel Workers.
At the end, all the participants rushed to the throne of grace to renew their vows with the Lord asking Him for the grace to live according to the standards of "Pure Religion".
- Music concert
On Sunday, July 21 at 5 p.m., the National Choir and Orchestra presented the Camp Concert. Apart from the classical spiritual melodies (instrumental and vocal) and local airs, two brothers and a sister gave testimonies of true miracles wrought by God in their lives.
The concert ended with a short exhortation from Rev. Marcellin KPLOKA after the choir's song entitled "E djô bô nse" (It happened, and I learned about it). The saving power of Jesus Christ, the God of marvels, was the message of exhortation that led the congregation to rush to the altar when the call was made.
- Sunday School (Junior & Senior)
On Saturday, July 20 and Friday, July 26, the Sunday school teachers met to review the various lessons that would be taught on Sundays, July 21 and 28. Apart from the main class where the lesson was taught in French from the pulpit, there were other classes : Gungbe, Fongbe, Adja, English and Yoruba language. The choristers, nursing mothers, the Kitchen and Security also had their classes too.
On Sunday July 21, Brother Luc GODONOU taught Lesson 446, Book 35 : “The Rebuilding Of The Wall”, in the main class, and Rev. Dotun Ewumi did the review. On the last Sunday, Brother Yves AHOMIAN taught the Sunday School lesson: ‘Spiritual Thirst And Divine Goodness', Book 35, Lesson 447 in the main class. After the teaching in various classes, Brother Roger TCHOUKE did the review.
- Devotional Services and Bible Teachings
1). On the opening Sunday of the Camp meeting, Rev. Johnson Okpo preached a sermon titled “I will do Marvels”. He began the sermon by reading Exodus 34:10. The Christian must stand still and see the marvels of God. The God who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, who made them walk across the red sea on dry land, who brought water out of the rock and turned bitter water into sweet, will do marvels in the lives of His children. He will solve all problems; but first, we must repent and be saved from our lives of sin, strive to get the other Christian experiences. We must have unshakable faith in God.
2) On Tuesday July 23, Brother Anatole DACRO taught the first Bible Teaching, titled “The Foundation of our Faith”. The basis of the Foundation is Salvation followed by Sanctification and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:10; Ephesians 2:8). Jesus alone has the power to save (Acts 4:12). How to know you are saved (Romans 8:16; 2 Corinthians 5:17). Sanctification: It is he who is saved that can be sanctified (1 Peter 1:15; John 17:17). The Benefits of Sanctification (Psalm 133:1-3; Hebrews 12:14). The baptism of the Holy Spirit: Acts 1:8; 2:39; confirmation: Acts 2:3
3) The following Bible Study was handled on Wednesday July 24 by Brother Hervé DJOSSOU, which title was “Gospel Landmarks”. Proverbs 22:8 was the introductory verse. The Gospel = Good News (Mark 1:1; Romans 1:16). The presence and respect of landmarks ensure peace. All of the teachings mark the path of the Christian; we must watch over the Gospel and guard it jealously. Some landmarks: The Word of God; Salvation, Sanctification, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Restitution; Prayer before Services; Punctuality; The altar of prayer, a wonderful place. The benefits of keeping the landmarks: divine guidance, peace and assurance. The consequences of removing the landmarks: Rejection by God; Sufferings; Removal of name from the Book of Life
4) Rev. Anastase DJOMATIN taught on Thursday July 25, “Christian Forgiveness”. He took his text from Ephesians 4:29-32. When resentment takes hold in our hearts, it makes us sick. Forgiveness frees and brings joy. We must forgive our neighbors. God Himself taught us the lesson. In the book of Matthew, the process of forgiveness was given to us by Jesus. Example of forgiveness: Stephen forgave his persecutors; Joseph forgave his brothers.
5) On Friday July 26, Rev. Jean ALONOUEMON gave the last teaching of the Campmeeting. The title of the teaching was “The Value of Total Consecration”. Psalm 50:5; Romans 12:1; Exodus 34:10; Psalm 118:27, are some of the Scriptures that were read. Consecration allows us to attach ourselves firmly as a sacrifice to the altar of God until the Lord returns. Consecration is the key that opens the doors of blessings. Example: David, Job, Paul, Abraham.
6) The devotional sermon of the last Sunday, July 28, “Endurance during the Race" was preached by Rev. Marcellin KPLOCA. He took his text from Matthew 24:13 and drew our attention to the fact that, the forgiveness obtained at Justification does not guarantee us entry into Heaven unless we endure to the end. The last salvation is essential. We must not behave like Orpah, Demas and Lot's wife who did not persevere. On the other hand, we must follow the example of Job, Ruth and all those who persevered. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:9, something wonderful awaits the overcomers.
- Evening Revival and Evangelistic Services
Part of the activities of the Campmeeting were evening revival services.
1) On Tuesday July 23, Brother Célestin MESSENON preached a sermon on “Faith + Encounter with God = Marvels”. Isaiah 38:1-6. Just like the case of Hezekiah, Jesus will change the decrees declaring eternal death (Rev 21:8) to the decree proclaiming eternal life (John 5:24) in the lives of those who repent and, in faith, make an encounter with God.
2) Sister Gisèle OGAN preached on Thursday July 25. The title of the sermon was “Jesus, the Repairer”. She read Isaiah 58:12; Mark 10:47-53, and explained that, in his determination, blind Bartimaeus was rewarded; he received his sight after meeting Jesus. Jesus will repair all wasted lives, if only sinners can act like Bartimaeus.
3) Brother Noël NOUKPO preached on Friday July 26 on “The Complete Overcomers – Total Victory”. His text was taken from Genesis 32:24-28. Blessings are always available to those who fight to the end like Jacob.
4) Brother Zacharie OKE preached the last revival sermon of the camp on Sunday July 28 titled “The Last Blessings of the Camp meeting”. He read from Psalm 115:12; Deuteronomy 28:2-9 and assured the worshipers that spiritual, physical and material blessings are still available; no one should hasten to leave the altar without receiving theirs.
- Ordinances
On Saturday July 27, Water Baptismal service was held in the morning. The officiating minister was Brother Bernardin DAGA. Three hundred and sixty two (362) people were baptized in water.
In the evening, Saints of God met to observe the ordinances of The Lord’s Supper and Washing of Saints Feet. Brother Maurice TANMAKPI and Brother Boniface KPOSSOU preached respectively during these two occasions. It was a time of sweet fellowship and love.
- Elementary Department
The Elementary Department was also very active during the Campmeeting. Apart from the regular programs on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in the children's hall, which consist of Sunday school sessions, morning and evening services, children were also gathered together on Wednesdays and Fridays for be supervised. These sessions included musical entertainment, testimonies, biblical stories and film shows.
On Sunday, July 21, during Sunday school session in the main auditorium, the Littoral Zone Sunday school children presented a program of songs, recitations and a sketch from the book of 2 Kings 4:1-7; the miracle worked by God through the prophet Elisha for the benefit of the poor widow: A small quantity of oil was used to fill several vessels. Sunday July 28 was the turn of the Sunday school children of the Ouémé and Plateau Zones to present their program, the culmination of which was the fall of the wall of Jericho.
- Youth Department
Young people also made their contributions. There were two youth services on Friday July 26 and Sunday July 28.
Brother Damien MONTCHOU preached on Friday, July 26 on “Move Forward With Determination” and Brother Salomon OGOUNDELE preached on Sunday July 28 on “It Is Not Finished Yet”
- Other activites
Apart from the regular worship activities, there were several other activities that were carried out during the campmeeting.
1) On Monday July 22, there was a Meeting with pastors, ministers and their wives. The meeting was led by Brother Marcellin KPLOKA, Brothers Hervé DJOSSOU and Célestin MESSENON
2) In the evening, there was a film show. The film titled “Hell Is Real”. The film depicted the horror of hell and the reward of sinners. Brother Jaurès TANMAKPI made the commentary. Many were blessed when the altar was made
3) On Wednesday, July 24, a Marriage Seminar was held. Rev. Marcellin KPLOKA, Rev. Anastase DJOMATIN and Bro. Yves AHOMIAN handled the seminar. It was a time to remind all the sanctity of marriage, procedures and obligations of marriage.
4) On Thursday July 25, YDD officers held a Meeting with the Youth and Those that have gotten admission to the University
5) There were open air services throughout the Campmeeting
6) The Country Overseer had some meetings with brethren from different Zones.
- Special Testimonies
1) A brother testified to having spent 12 years in marriage without a single child. But, in the thirteenth year the Lord removed his reproach by giving him a daughter
2) Another brother succeeded a national exam of the Ministry of Finance of Benin where only 5 people were selected out of the multitude of candidates
3) One sister was bewitched and was practically moribund, but the God of Marvels intervened to deliver her from the wicked spirits. When they left her body, they entered the ground of the place where she was staying and blew up tiles which formed a cross
4) A Muslim who came across the Gospel in the 1990s and who had backslidden was met by the Lord who compelled him to come to the campmeeting. After much hesitation, he attended the campmeeting and the Lord saved, sanctified, and baptized him with the Holy Spirit. He is now enjoying a close relationship with God and sweet fellowship with God's people.
5) In search of a comfortable life, a young man went to Ghana where he devoted himself to occult and mystical practices which allowed him to have power in swindling people. He quickly became rich, a multi-millionaire, but with the express prohibition that none of his close relatives should enjoy it. He traveled through thirty African countries and lived a life of fornication with several women to whom he bought motorcycles. He broke the law relating to giving money to close relatives. From that moment on, God challenged him about his bad life. Later, he found himself in prison for a month for an uncommitted offense. God revealed Himself to him again, and after his release, he was invited to church. He accepted, and the Lord saved him, sanctified him, and baptized him with the Holy Spirit. His life has completely changed.
6). A gas cylinder caught fire in one of the dormitories, which caused a serious fire. But the Lord intervened and quenched the fire.
7). In the night of Saturday July 27 to Sunday July 28, around 2 a.m., a woman in labor gave birth to a boy even before the arrival of the midwife who was to come from the town.
8). The God of Elijah withheld the rain, so that the campers could enjoy good weather throughout the camp meeting.
- Challenges
1) The major challenge during this campmeeting was accommodation, the number of campers being far beyond the prevision that was made. Despite the school complex's rooms and existing tents, the church had to rent several tents and purchase a large quantity of mats.
2) Water and electricity problem. Thanks to the contribution of the firefighters, the camp was regularly supplied with additional water. On the other hand, with regard to electricity, certain dormitories and toilets and part of the courtyard could not be lit.
3). Lack of Gospel vans and literatures for outreaches
12- Prayer Request
1) Pray that several buildings will be constructed on the campground to serve as accommodation for upcoming camp meetings
2) God to provide money for the Purchase Gospel vans and printing enough Gospel literatures for outreaches.
8) Pray to God to provide for His Church for the construction of the Tabernacle on the campground.
13- Statistics
- Attendance
Workers' Conference |
Concert |
People that were Baptized |
The Lord Supper |
Peak Attendance |
Number |
619 |
2,650 |
362 (216 Females and 146 Males) |
606 |
3,930 |
- Blessings
Salvation |
Sanctification |
B. H. Ghost |
Reanointing |
Healing |
Birth |
Others |
Total |
Number |
614 |
373 |
154 |
358 |
223 |
1 Girl, 2 Boys |
107 |
1,832 |
The glory of God and His ability to do marvels was once again manifested during the 2024 campmeeting. All the campers and even the internet audience showed satisfaction, and they all glorified God for the various blessings obtained.
The credit of this success can only be given to God Almighty who, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, took the lead in all activities.
All the delegates returned to their different locations with songs of joy and a keen desire to witness the upcoming camp meetings, should the Lord tarry.