Genesis 1:1-31.

Lesson 69 - Elementary

Memory Verse

“All things were made by him” (John 1:3).


In the beginning God made the Heaven and the earth.  Who made God?  God had no beginning at all.  He has always lived.  How did God make the Heaven and the earth and all the things which are in them?  He spoke.  God made all these things by His Word.

In the beginning, darkness covered all the earth.  God said,  “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.  God made the sky that covers the ground.  He called it Heaven.

God said,  “Let the waters under the Heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.”

God called the dry land Earth, and He called the water Sea.

God made the grass, the flowers, the trees in the forests and the vegetables that grow in the fields.  God said,  “Let there be lights in the sky to give light upon the earth.”  He made the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night.  He made the stars also.  God made the birds to fly in the sky.  He made the fishes and the whales to live in the water.

God made the animals such as the bear, the lion, the dog, the cat, the cow and the horse, and all the things that move upon the ground.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit were with God the Father when He made the earth, the sky, all plants, the sun and the moon, the whales and the frogs, the animals in the forests, the insects, the bed bugs, and all other animals.

After that God said,  “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”  God made man from the dust of the ground.  He placed him on the surface of the earth to enjoy all the things which He had made.

God saw all the things which He made, and, behold, they were very very good.

How do we know that it was from the things which did not exist that God made the earth and Heaven and all the things which are in them?  Because God said so.  Also that is what is written down in the Bible.  Therefore, we can read it and find that it is the truth.



1.  Who made the Heaven and the earth and all the things that are in them?  (Genesis 1:1).
2.  How did God make all these things?
3.  What did God make in the first day? (Genesis 1:3).
4.  Who were with God the Father when He made all these things?
5.  In whose likeness did God make man? (Genesis 1:26).