CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
Jesus, Thou the great Physician
The sick in distress come to Thee;
In time of sickness and great pains
He healed them all of their sickness.

Verse 2
The blind, the lame and the infirm
They all received Thy tender care,
For this reason, we come to Thee
We plead for Thy mercy alone.

Verse 3
The awful pains that Thou went through
Jesus, Thou canst heal these also,
Who look to the Great Physician.
We beseech Thee, to heal them all.

Verse 4
Lord Jesus, grant that affliction
May draw the sick nearer to Thee,
May the scourge with which you afflict
Bring back the backslider to Thee.

Verse 5
Heal the broken and contrite heart,
O Lord save Thou our sinful heart,
Heal us and grant abundant health
So we may praise Thee, ever more.