CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
Millions groping yet in darkness
Think, my heart and be thou still!
Each of God's own promise tells us
Of a glorious happy morn
Day of gladness, day of gladness,
May that day dawn on me soon

Verse 2
Let all India and Africa
Men of different tribes and creed
Know the great and glorious vict'ry
Freely giv'n on Calvary
May the Gospel, may the Gospel,
Be proclaimed from shore to shore

Verse 3
All the kingdoms yet in darkness
Send the gospel light to them
From the sunrise to the sunset
May the light dispel the gloom
May Redemption, may Redemption,
Freely bestowed have full sway.

Verse 4
March on, March on blessed Gospel
March on to full victory
May Thy everlasting kingdom
Multiply and never cease,
Blessed Saviour, blessed Saviour,
Come and reign all o'er the earth