(Action 2:68)
Tonic Sol-fa

s; d, m. m.
m. m. m:
r. d. r. d. d. l. d:
d. r. m. m.
m. m. s.
s. f. m. r:-:

s; f, m; m,
m. m. m:
r. d. r. d. d. l. d:
d. r. m. m.
m. d. r.
r. m; r, d:-:

1. In the Bi-ble we are told "of a proph-et
Who was called" to a city that was
Steeped in aw-ful sin,
All the people in that place
Were de-void of sav-ing grace,
And the proph-et seemed a-fraid to enter in.
O-ver there, O-ver there
In that land so bright and fair
He will tell us all a-bout it o-ver there
On that hap-py gold-en strand,
We'll take Jo-nah by his hand
He will tell us all about it over there
2. Then this proph-et forth was sent
That Nine-veh might re-pent
But in-stead of that to Tar-shish he set sail,
Oh! the winds be-gan to blow,
O-ver-board did Jo-nah go,
And the proph-et seemed a-fraid to en-ter in.

3. Oh, some people, don't be-lieve
That a whale could him re-ceive,
But that does not make my song at all Un-true
There are whales on every side
With their big mouths o-pen wide
Just take care, my friends
Or one will swal-low you
