Tonic Sol-fa

d. m. s; m,
m. r. r:
r. f. l; f, l. s. s:
m. s. d. t.
r. l. l:
d. l. s. m. f. r. d:

1. We are thankful, Lord, to Thee;
Thankful for Thy blessings free;
We are grateful for Thy care;
Joyful in Thy House of Prayer.

Chorus: Lord, we thank Thee o'er and o'er
Lord, we praise Thee more and more;
Thank Thee, Lord, from day to day;
Praise Thee, Lord, whene'er we pray.

2. Lord, we thank Thee for Thy love;
Praise Thee for Thy Home Above;
Thank Thee for each blessing sweet;
Praise Thee, Lord, when'er we meet.

3. All our love to Thee we bring,
All our joy to crown Thee King;
May we ever thankful be
Here, and thro' eternity.
