Tonic Sol-fa

d. s. s. s. s:
d. r. d: t: t:-
r. s. s. s. s: r:
r. d. d. r. m:-
m. f. m. r. d: s:
l. d. t. l. s:-
s. s. d. r. m. s:
f. m: r: d:-

1. Jesus bids us shine
With a clear, pure light,
Like a little candle
Burning in the night;
In this world of darkness
We must shine
You in your small corner,
And I in mine.

2. Jesus bids us shine,
First of all for Him;
Well, He sees and knows it
If our light is dim;
He looks down from Heaven
Sees us shine
You in your small corner,
And I in mine.

3. Jesus bids us shine
As we work for Him,
Bringing those that wander
From the paths of sin;
He will ever help us,
If we shine
You in your small corner
And I in mine.
