IN the days before Jesus came to this earth, God many times manifested His power in the healing of the sick. And after Jesus came, multitudes came to Him and were healed of all kinds of diseases and afflictions.
How thankful we are that His saving and healing power is ever the same, yesterday, today, and forever! His love still reaches out to men everywhere, to the just and the unjust. The Psalmist said: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19).
The Lord often heals the unsaved that they might be drawn to Him and be saved. His cure is for both the physical and the spiritual – a double cure that can bring health to the body and peace to the soul.
Miraculous Healings
We hear many testify and also receive scores of letters telling of healings from ulcers, tumors, cancer, tuberculosis, heart trouble and other sicknesses.
A Christian brother in our city had cancer of the liver, pancreas, kidneys. He lay unconscious for thirty days. Man could do nothing for him. He was sent to a nursing home to die. But relatives and friends continued to pray with him for his healing, and God healed him. Soon he was home, and later a physical test confirmed his healing. In testimony, he has often said: “I am not supposed to be here. I was a hopeless case, given up to die. But I am alive, telling of God’s power to heal and to save.”
A letter came from Finland stating: “I am happy for what God has done for me. The cancer I had was in my lungs and in my liver. The doctors held no hope for me, but God has done what man failed to do. He healed me! And the X-ray showed the cancer is no longer there.”
Healed of Serious Injury
A man who had been saved from a very sinful life, soon afterward was injured on the job by a falling tree. He was rushed by ambulance to the hospital, not expected to live. His pulse could not be felt. Six ribs were broken, two torn from the backbone, and his back broken in three places. His spleen was ruptured and his body was filling with fluid. Prayer was requested for him at the church; and that night as he lay unconscious a healing touch came from Above. His bones slipped back into place and within a short time he was out of the hospital, completely healed. Two months later he was back on the job felling trees, a strong, well man.
Healed of Eczema
A Christian woman tells of a victory won when she believed for her healing:
“I had eczema on my body for 50 years – was born with it. My clothing irritated my body from the time I was a little girl. Every winter my hands and arms were bandaged to my elbows. My hands were swollen, full of fever, infected and bleeding. The bone was exposed in two places.
“But about seven years ago, not long after I became a Christian, I read that chapter on healing in the book of James, and simple faith came into my heart. I slipped my hands between those sacred pages and said, ‘Lord, I do not have anyone here to anoint me with oil and to pray for me, but I believe You will heal me, as You have promised in Your Word.’
“Instantly the Lord took away the fever and burning. I knew I was healed. My skin began clearing up. It took six months for the two deepest places in my hands to be completely closed. Today there is hardly a scar to show I ever had eczema.”
An Instant Healing of Cancer
Another miraculous healing was that of a young woman who drove a school bus here in Portland, Oregon. A physical checkup, required for her driving, revealed she was full of cancer. Lumps had developed in two places and the pain became more and more severe. Besides her job, she had a very sick mother and a young son at home. She wanted to live and take care of them. In her suffering, she cried out to the Lord for her healing and was given the assurance that she would be healed.
One night, despite her pain and weakness, she went to church and asked the ministers to anoint her with oil and pray for her, as the Bible says to do. They prayed – and God instantly healed her. All pain ceased. The lumps disappeared. She felt new life and strength coming into her body. She had had no appetite, but now she was hungry and wanted to eat.
The following Monday, after her healing on a Friday night, she was well able to resume her work. And her strength increased day after day, even while the cancer passed a little at a time from her body.
Sometime later, when she was required to have another checkup, four specialists carefully analyzed her case and could find no trace of cancer. For more than seven years she has continued with her work, giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done for her.
Severely Tried with Heart Trouble
A Christian worker suffered a heart attack – with very serious complications. Three attacks followed. The last one almost took her life.
In testimony, she said: “There was no hope held out for me without surgery, and then only a 50-50 chance. Some of my arteries were ballooned and I was haemorrhaging under the skin.
“As I lay in the shadow of death, it was sweet to feel the presence of Jesus. I prayed: ‘Lord, if it is Your will that I live, You heal me for Your glory. If not, I will go to Heaven, trusting You.’
“I was severely tried for a few weeks. But I would not exchange wonderful days for anything. The Lord was so close, it seemed He was standing right by my side. I reconsecrated my life to Him and told Him that if He would heal me and give me strength, I would give it back to Him. The day came when my strength began to return and my pains grew less and less. I began to pray for others. Soon I was well and strong – healed without surgery; and for seven years I have enjoyed good health.
“The days of miracles truly are not past. I know that God has healed me; and what He has done for me, He can do for anyone.”
No Age Limit
God heals the young and the old – people of all ages. “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength” (Isaiah 40:29). And He promised in Isaiah 46:4, “Even to your old age . . . I will deliver you.”
Some years ago, an eighty-year-old woman from our congregation lay sick with double pneumonia and was unconscious for more than a week. The doctors held little hope for her. She would gladly have gone on to be with the Lord, but she wanted God’s will to be done. The Lord healed her and added 14 more years to her life. At 94 years of age she was still helping to mail out the Gospel literature for our church.
Not everyone lives to be in the nineties. And no one, of course, lives forever on this earth; for “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). As we walk in the light of God’s holy Word, He hears and answers our prayers. The Bible says:
“Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:
“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me” (Psalm 50:14,15).
(Our Ensign)