15th December 2024
In 2023, the Ghana Country Overseer at that time, Rev. John Bekoe, informed the WECA District Superintendent (DS), Rev. Isaac Adigun, and the Director of the Africa work at the Portland Headquarters, Rev. John Musgrave, of his intention to step aside from his leadership position into a supportive role when he turned 75 years of age. They told him to be praying about the matter for God to guide him in his recommendation for replacement. Upon attaining 75 years of age in 2024 he reached out to the DS requesting that he should be replaced as the country overseer for Ghana.
The DS asked him whether he has someone in mind that he would like to recommend for consideration. He answered in the affirmative and mentioned the name of Rev. Joe Ampofo Ansah, the Head of Department of Infrastructure and a Member of the Board of Trustees of the church. Rev. Bekoe’s recommendation was discussed with the authority in Portland and also mentioned to the WECA Headquarters’ Trustees, and they all gave a positive response to the choice. The current four-member Ghana Board of Trustees were unanimous in their approval of Rev. Joe Ansah to replace Bro. Bekoe as the next Ghana Overseer.
Visit of the WECA District Superintendent (DS)
As a result of the consent of the Board of Trustees for Rev. John Bekoe to be replaced by Rev. Joe Ansah, the DS and his wife, Sister Stella Adigun, arrived Ghana on Thursday, 12 December 2024, to hold separate meetings with the Board of Trustees, Management, and Ministers and Workers before the actual installation ceremony on Sunday. The purpose of the meetings was to explain to them how the leadership change has evolved and to encourage them to give Bro. Ansah the same support they have given to Rev. Bekoe during his seven year of tenure.
The meeting was also used to agree on someone to fill a vacancy on the Board that existed since 2022 sequel to the voluntary retirement of Rev. Seth Agbovi from the Board on grounds of ill-health. After the necessary background checks and necessary consultations, it was decided that Rev. Seth Agbovi should be replaced by Rev. Samuel Agbovi, the Zonal Pastor of the Ada churches. Moreover, the approval was given to the request by the Board that the outgoing overseer should remain in the Board so that the church could continue to benefit from his wisdom and experience. All these decisions were endorsed by the members of the Management.
The DS met with the Ministers and Workers on Saturday, 14 December 2024 and the meeting was streamed online for those who could not be present physically to join virtually. He explained to them the reason for the envisaged leadership change and to get their support. All the Ministers and Workers present stood up in support of the proposed leadership change.
Installation Ceremony
The Installation Ceremony for the new Overseer, Rev. Joe Ansah, as well as the new Board Member, Rev. Samuel Agbovi, was held on Sunday, 15 December 2024 during the Devotional Service. The DS announced to the congregation, consisting of representatives of all the churches in Ghana including those who joined virtually, the purpose of his mission to Ghana at this time and that the Board of Trustees and Management, as well as Ministers and Workers, have all indicated their support and agreement for the action. He introduced both Rev. Joe Ansah and Rev. Samuel Agbovi and their families to the congregation, stating that they have served the church faithfully in various capacities and have met the biblical criteria for occupying such positions. He then requested congregation to indicate their support for the decision to appoint them by standing up. Thankfully, everyone stood up in support of the appointments.
The DS then proceeded to invite separately Rev. Samuel Agbovi and Rev. Joe Ansah to come forward to be prayed for. The ceremony was performed by the DS with the support of the members of the Board of Trustees.
Picture 1: The D.S. Supported by the Board, Praying for the New Overseer

Picture 2: Full Board Members with the DS

Picture 3: The D.S and Wife with the New Overseer and Wife

Inaugural Address of the New Overseer
In his inaugural address, the new Overseer, Rev. Joe Ansah, thanked God for the opportunity given him to serve in this capacity and requested for prayers from all and sundry to enable him fulfill his mission. He was optimistic that God who helped him to serve under previous administrations of Rev. Victor Cole, Rev. Paul Akazue, Rev. Akwasi Badu-Debrah, and Rev. John Bekoe, will help him in his new role as the leader of the church in Ghana. He stressed the importance of maintaining the Gospel standards and upholding the Great Commission by launching out to new and grey areas in order to win more souls for the Kingdom of God.
Picture 4: Inaugural Speech by the New Overseer and the Former Overseer Seated and Smiling.

Retirement Ceremony
A Retirement Ceremony was held on Sunday afternoon in honour of Rev. John Bekoe at the church auditorium. Many church members spoke about his humility, teamwork, generosity, sacrifice, and devotion to the things of God. The DS and all who were present wished him well in his retirement and prayed God to bless him and the wife, Sister Monica Bekoe and give them long life and good health. A Citation was read in his honour and a token of appreciation was presented to him and his wife.
By the
Church Management