FROM JULY 21 TO JULY 28, 2024
“… such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation …” (Exodus 34:10)
For the second time, the Apostolic Faith Church in Togo held a camp meeting convention in AGBELOUVE, from July 14 to July 21, 2024. The first one took place six months earlier, from December 24 to December 29, 2023, in Lomegnon. All the members can not but say that this was a miracle.
Delegates came all the way from Lagos Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Mali and Niger Republic to fellowship with brethren of Togo.
- Ministers and Workers Conference
On Saturday, July 13, 2024, the Ministers and Workers Conference took place. The choir and orchestra gave wonderful renditions. This was followed by the congregation songs, the opening prayer, the Country Overseer’s welcome address and introduction of the different delegates, and the message of the DS given by Rev. Johnson Okpo, the representative of the WECA District Superintendent who was in Portland for the annual Campmeeting.
This was followed by the teaching of the conference lesson entitled THE PURE RELIGION, by Rev. Johnson Okpo (Head of the Missions Department at WCA Headquarters). The study document was a Bible Teaching from the 1970 Campmeeting in Portland, Oregon, by Rev. Loyce Carver, General Overseer of the Apostolic Faith Church from 1965-1993. The sub-themes covered were: Living epistles; Standing Together; Submissive and Humble; Steadfast in the Faith; Love One Another; God’s Order for Us; Applying the Truth; Concerning Women’s Hair; Rules for Both Men and Women; From One Generation to Another; The Consequences of Rebellion; Holy Within and Without; Gospel Workers.
- Sunday School (Junior & Senior)
After having done the review On Saturday, July 13 and Saturday, July 20, at the Sunday school teachers conference, brothers Augustin ALAGBO and Carlos GAYI respectively taught Sundays, July 14 and 21. The lessons that were taught were: Lesson 445, Book 35 : “Nehemiah's Prayer For His People” and Lesson 446, Book 35 : “The Rebuilding Of The Wall”. Lessons were taught in two langages: French and Ewe.
- Devotional Services and Bible Teachings
1) On the opening Sunday of the Campmeeting, July 14, 2024, Rev. KPLOKA A. Marcellin preached a sermon titled “I will do Marvels”.
2) Rev. ADECHI BOBO François taught the first Bible Teaching on Tuesday, July, 16, 2024, which title was “The Sin Question”.
3) On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, Rev. Johnson OKPO taught on “The value of total consecration”.
4) The third teaching was held on Thursday July 18, 2024. The theme was “The Gospel of Certainty”, taught by KINTIN Georges.
5) On Friday, July 19, 2024, Brother Judicaël AZOMBAKIN was the officiating Minister of the last Bible Teaching which title was “The Gospel Landmarks”.
6) The devotional sermon of the last Sunday, July 21, 2024, titled “Know Your God" was preached by Brother Yves AHOMIAN. God's mighty power to save, sanctify and filled with the Holy Ghost was manifested in all the Teaching and sermons
From Tuesday, July 16 to Friday July 19 and on Sunday July 21, Evening Revival and Evangelistic Services were held. God visited each revival service with copious blessings
- Tuesday, July 16, 2024 (Preacher: Brother Daniel ALAGBO)
- Wednesday, July 17, 2024 (Preacher: Brother Roger ALAGBO)
- Thursday, July 18, 2024 (Preacher: Brother Edouard ALAGBO)
- Friday, July 19, 2024 (Preacher: Brother Dodji FANGBE)
- Sunday, July 21, 2024 (Preacher: Brother Norbert KPATCHOU)
- Music concert
The National Choir and Orchestra, under the leadership of Brother Léopold BONOU, the Music Head of Republic of Benin, presented the Camp Concert on Sunday, July 14 at 5 p.m. Other choristers from Republic of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire and Mali also performed to make the Camp Concert a success. There were in the program classical and spiritual melodies (instrumental and vocal) as well as local airs.
After a short message of exhortation at the end of the Concert, there was an altar call and many blessings were recorded.
- Elementary Department
The Elementary Department was not left out during the Campmeeting. Their Sunday school were- On Sunday July 14 (Book 3, Lesson 133 “Paul’s Sermon on the Hill”). On Sunday July 21 (Book 3, Lesson 134 “The Boy Who Fell From a Window”)
Some Sunday school teachers were assigned to supervise the children, keep them busy and encourage them on Sundays, on Tuesday and on Thursday in the children's hall. They held Sunday school sessions, morning services.
There were also Sunday school children’s programs on both Sundays of the Campmeeting. On Sunday July 14, they presented a program of songs, recitations and a sketch on The Crossing Of The Red See By The Children Of Israel On Dry Land. On Sunday July 21, the climax of the program was the sketch on The Fall Of The Walls Of Jericho.
- Youth Department
Young people also gathered for their services on Wednesday July 17 and on Friday July 19 and Sunday July 28.
- Other activites
Apart from the regular worship activities, there were several other activities that were carried out during the Campmeeting.
1) On Monday July 15 at 9am, Brother Demola DAIRO led a seminar on Evangelism;
2) At 12:30 p.m. that same Monday, there was the Charity Day;
3) In the evening, there was a film show. The film titled “60 Minutes In Hell” was displayed and commented by Brother Augustin ALAGBO in Ewe language;
4) Before each Bible Study and Evening Revival Service, some workers gathered in the prayer room to pray for some time before going out for early morning campaign and evangelistic outreach;
5) A meeting was held with young people of branches that don’t have choristers and their pastors. They were encouraged to dedicate their time to learn music and be useful in the choir of the Church;
6) On Saturday July 20, a session of test of voice and choice of instrument was held by Brother Yves AHOMIAN. Almost 50 music students were in attendance;
7) On Friday July 19, a group of evangelists led by Brother Yves AHOMIAN went to the Royal Palace to meet the king of AGBELOUVE. They were received by the Queen in her premises, because the King had travelled. The instrumentalists played some songs and Brother Yves read some verses of Proverbs 31, from verse 10 and made a short comment before a closing prayer. Because of her excitement, she asked the team to come back on Sunday to meet the king himself;
8) On Sunday July 21, at 2 pm, Rev. Bobo François, Brother Yves AHOMIAN and the orchestra met the king of AGBELOUVE in the Royal Palace. After the opening prayer, Brother Yves introduced the Organization (the Apostolic Faith Church), the Country Overseer and the Pastor of Agbelouve to the king. This was followed by a short message by Rev. Bobo, taken from 1 Kings 3:4-14. The orchestra also played some songs which gladdened the kings heart.
- Special Testimonies
1) A girl whose father was a great herbalist, saw after the death of many members of their families that the powers her father was using was weak. She then started looking for a place where she can find the true God. She was invited to the church. The Lord saved, sanctified and baptized her with the Holy Ghost and fire
2) Brother Judicaël AZOMBAKIN, who was to teach during a Bible Teaching service, was very sick and could not attend many services. But the Lord healed him and he was able to teach on Friday, July 19, 2024;
3) The king of Agbelouve testified that he could feel the presence of the Lord, the King of kings, with the evangelists. He confessed that an hour before the meeting, he was troubled, overwhelmed with many issues, restless and didn’t know how to go about it all. But after the meeting with the Church people, God put great joy and an indescribable peace in his heart
4) God made it possible for the small Church in Togo to hold two campmeetings within 6 months ;
5) The God of Elijah withheld the rain, so that the campers could enjoy good weather throughout the camp meeting.
- Challenges
1) The worship environment was not suitable;
2) Electricity was very faulting during the services;
3) The worship communication system is obsolete;
4) Some of the choristers do not have the required training and musical instrument;
5) Lack of Gospel vans and literatures for outreaches;
6) Financial challenges.
11- Prayer Request
1) Pray to God to provide for the Church to be able to build a befitting Sanctuary
2) There is a need to purchase Gospel van and print enough Gospel literatures for outreaches;
3) God to provide money so that the obsolete worship communication systems could be replaced.
4) Church to have a generator capable of maintaining stable power during services.
5) Pray God for a suitable and conducive worship environment
6) Leaders must ensure that music students receive adequate training.
7) Togo needs our help
12- Statistics
- Attendance
Workers' Conference |
Concert |
Service Peak Attenance |
Number |
62 |
352 |
428 |
- Blessings
Salvation |
Sanctification |
B. H. Ghost |
Re-anointing |
Healing |
Others |
Total |
Number |
159 |
43 |
15 |
39 |
58 |
122 |
436 |
The great God of Heaven made it possible for the Church to hold the second Campmeeting, despite the global economic situation. The glory of God and His ability to do marvels was once again manifested during the 2024 camp meeting. All the campers and even the internet audience received various blessings.
The credit of this success can only be given to God Almighty who, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, took the lead in all activities.