The 2024 Camp Meeting Worker’s Conference, held at Faith City, Igbesa, was a spiritually refreshing event, marking another season of preparation for the annual convention. Ministers and workers from various areas and countries across the West and Central Africa District gathered, both physically and virtually, for the conference themed “Good Stewardship."” The event began at 9:00 a.m. with a congregational song led by Bro. Dotun, followed by an opening prayer from Bro. Inyang. The Superintendent General, Bro. Olusola Adesope, his wife, Sister Tolu, and the District Superintendent of Western Europe and his wife, Bro. Mark and Sis. Marble Mfandarahwa were warmly welcomed with a presentation from the elementary children.

This was followed by in-depth discussions on the theme of the Conference. During the session, Bro. Adigun moderated a devotional titled “The Significance of Tent Pins,” drawing from Numbers 7:1-9. The study emphasized that the church operates by the Spirit of God, where every individual holds equal importance under God’s hierarchy. Bro. Shola, the Superintendent General, addressed the congregation, sharing insights from his transition as SG and underscoring the importance of focusing on spreading the Gospel rather than resolving conflicts. Following this, Bro. Iniabasi Emah led a discussion on “Worldliness and Worldly Amusements,” touching on issues of Christian conduct. Other sessions addressed topics such as “Ministerial Relationships” and “General Instructions on Marriage,” with a strong emphasis on the responsibilities and conduct expected of ministers and their families.
The conference concluded with important announcements regarding camp arrangements, technology for Gospel propagation, and updates on the Crawford University and the ongoing Tabernacle project. The day ended with a prayer meeting, followed by active participation in camp work and various meetings, including choir practice and the national youth leaders' annual gathering. The events were marked by a spirit of unity and commitment to the work of the Gospel.